Monday, April 12, 2021

Sexual Liberation

Since the dawn of time, Sex and Sexual Pleasure has been at the center of humankind. In order to keep our species going, we have had to adapt and evolve with the changing times when it comes to how we have sex. Our desires and needs really do not stand out much from those of our ancient ancestors. Experimentation and exploration was a key part in human kinds Sexual Evolution.

Sex and Sexual Pleasure are also the source of much Taboo, among certain groups and religious organizations. However, the main source of failure in these arguments, is that Sex is required for us to continue as a species, and it can not be "forbidden". We stop having sex, there will be no future parishioner's to support the church's donation plates. Which brings us to, the Evolution of Sex.


The Stone Age
In the beginning, there was man. Hunters and gatherers. The strong and the weak, all based on physical prowess and domination. A drive of simple animal conditions, that drove us to procreative behavior. Much like dogs or other mammals, we bred in an animalistic way, and with a primitive urge or drive, more than the cravings for pleasure we have today. Primal Sex Urges.

The classics
After becoming more civilized, and more relaxed in the ways of being human. We removed luxury from the hands of the few, and allowed ourselves to bask in desires on earth. The main one of interest, to those that would admit it or not, was sex, and sexual pleasure. Years behind Eastern religions and philosophy, these ideas were spreading with the movement of reading. In the hands of the heart weary maiden, these types of stories would grow into fantasies coming to life. Where multi layered frilled skirts and corset's fell to the floor in wild abandon to the painter, singer or poet. Sexual Experimentation.

Sexual Revolution
Closer to our modern age was the hippie revolution, and the grass roots movements of free thought. The idea that all people are equal in every way, regardless of skin color, or sexual orientation. A movement that would change history, and start an entire new Sexual Revolution. People began to see they could function outside the box, and turn the tide of history in new directions. Fundamental thoughts were breaking apart, making the Taboo of sex less of a punishment, and more of a condition.

The Modern Misfits
Not a very romantic title this would seem to be true. However, the concept makes up for the title. In this day and age, we have seen society, family, friends, and others not so dear, suffer the ravages of failed love. Through this we are able to see that it is not about the "rules" imposed on us by others, but what makes us feel right, that is the correct path to choose.

It is ok for two men to be in love, or two women to share their golden years in one another's arms. It is ok, we are human. It is more about what it is that makes us the individual happy.

If you like to keep it alive in the bedroom, then it is ok to do so. Our generation gets the best of all, and this is why we are the misfits. The rest can't figure out why we are having such a good time, in our Sexual Liberation, in "whatever your favorite combination of male and female parts should be". - Nabz

Sex is not bad, it is what made us...